[Review] Publisher Spot

Publisher Spot Today I am going to introduce you to the site Publisher Spot. Publisher Spot is an Ad Network Review site for helping out publishers select and rate the popular and major Ad Networks. One of the major mistake made by webmasters in monetizing their sites and the main reason for low earning from… Continue reading [Review] Publisher Spot

CyberStreetReport Competition

Last week I won the CyberStreetReport Survey #2. The aim of the survey was to predict the price at which Apple (AAPL) will close atleast five days before. I predicted $144 and the correct price was $143.75. I won $25 cash prize and will be soon getting a blog review too. I would like to… Continue reading CyberStreetReport Competition

Categorized as Personal

Busy with exams

My 6th semester exams started today. Today’s exam went fine, though there was some problem with time management. Hence, I won’t be able to blog regularly till August. I will try to find time in between. So far I had 500 visits, which is not that bad stat for a new blog like this. Thanks… Continue reading Busy with exams

Categorized as Personal

Blackle – The Black Google

In January 2007, a theory was was proposed in ecoIron that a black version of Google will save 750 Megawatt-hours of energy every year. This was based on the the article by Energy star that a white pixel needs more energy than a black pixel. According to the article, a white pixel needs 74watts of… Continue reading Blackle – The Black Google

Categorized as Website

The new seven wonders of world

[rockyou 76252315] Yesterday (07-07-07), The new seven wonders of the world was announced by the swiss non profit group, New 7 Wonders Foundation. In a spectacular ceremony held at lisbon portugal, the new members were announced by a group of celebrities around the world. The ancient wonder, Piramid of Giza, was given a honorary status… Continue reading The new seven wonders of world
